[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
JakeTheWolfie 3/7 Napoleon, Ozzkozz, Cheeki

we have 2 days, if jake isn’t scum they could quickhammer it and that leaves us with 2 days less of discussion and reading
pressing jake is not the same as asking for a quickhammer

Cheeki, this tactic is scum and you know it. If you actively put a limit on someone for execution then they are no worse off than someone that hasn’t received a vote. I agree we don’t need to quick hammer this at all, but tell people to stop voting pauses the pressure.

key word here
read posts

I would say “be cautious and aware of your votes” instead of “stop voting for now”. Your actions and attitude have added you back into my scum list.

It seems like you don’t know how to respond lol

kozz, i’ve seen it before. the slanker is afk or doing something else, while people pile on the vote.
the slanker flips town and we are all left worse off with a whole lot of time gone down the drain.
i’d like to see jake at least put up a defense.

besides, i think 3/7 votes is more than enough to push something worthwhile out of a slanker within the time we have.

and go on and add me to your ‘scum list’. 11 scum sounds like a real problem don’t it.
spreading your scum thin so you don’t really have to push on anyone besides sheep voting

@SirDerpsAlot whos your second target, now that you are King?


We are pushing on him right now, lmao.

Your second contract is Jake

Like I said, im not telling who my second contract is

I can already narrow down to who your second contract is

hows that?

Your second target is in PoE

whats PoE mean :stuck_out_tongue:

Outside of the towncore.

I’m not normally this sassy, but you’ve drawn it out of me today:
I redid my list, so maybe you need to go back and reread some of the conversation. And because you probably didn’t see it, I had you in my nullreads list, but what you’ve said in the last 5 minutes makes me suspicious of you.

For the record, I understand that we DO NOT want to quickhammer anyone right now, but using a call-to-action instead of caution makes it seem like you are protecting JakeTheWolfie instead of protecting the court.

You guarded Marshal for a reason… He was more townie to you

Going in depth on who I protected like I didnt just randomly pick one