[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Signup Thread

Try to be memorable.
Ideally you are either townread heavily or scumread.

Cops when played optimally always check in the PoE, but typically won’t check a scumread.
You can always fight back from being scumread, but you can’t fight back from a redcheck in this setup easily.

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im back up as i can’t really dedicate time to this rn

A commonality in your scum games is that you stay in the background.
That’s a bad place to be.


“Try to be memorable” is a good way to play bad FPS.

Yeah… I got to just stop that and go ham and be TL as scum

i tend to be overly aggressive as scum tbh

It’s not FPS.
It’s just throwing yourself out there. It doesn’t have to always involve a claim.

FPSing as scum is very fun

I pulled a FPS like once, and I was town. I got 0 confidence for that stuff. But maybe I should

You’re certainly memorable as scum. I liked your memes

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once hard claimed prince as SS.

good times

I literally don’t care if you are playing good or bad. We all are here to play a fun game together with friends. That’s the most important.

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dont get redchecked as scum N1


That’s usual lolcatting. Unfortunately for yall u only got one lolcat that game


If everyone is extremely good, then the game becomes significantly more fun.
I agree, but improvement keeps people around

the best games are when its close and everyone is playing as well as they can

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A lot of very good players in ToL are toxic and very unfun to play with.

Yeah and no ones fighting u there on that, everyone’s main goal is fun, we are just talking about improving and how to

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Hot take: lolcatting is overrated because it usually results in you being left to the town killers while they search for your scumbuddy

If they’re going to lynch you make them waste an entire day on it

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Tbh people make it look so easy

But then when I try, my confidence goes down to literal 0, is there a way to make it easier?