[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Signup Thread

Luigis Mansion is the reason nuclear should never be used

Why can’t you replace a toxic person

That’s what replacements are for

Here’s a good punishment for toxicity:

Make it so the offender has to translate their posts to Spanish, French, and Portuguese, and then back to English before posting it.

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Just at least try to behave. If you can’t you wouldn’t be a good fit in a newbie match anyways.

Before the point is brought up, the resistance to modkills as a form of dealing with toxicity comes from reasons used by people with way more experience than me.

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Last FoL Possessed and I kinda got into it because I knew they were scum and they were trying to convince others that I was scum, but obviously it was just for FoL purposes and we have no hard feelings for one another


Are you going to modkill a game thrower who wants his team to lose

doesn’t that just give them what they want

Actually it was necessary since the rulebreak spewed Isaac as town.


I’m new



I’m the host. Just trust in my discretion. But yes, rules will be enforced. :heart:

Welcome! I hope you have a good first match (:


You too :slight_smile:

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you sweet sweet summer child


I’d think about it like this:

Does it threaten game integrity seriously?
You may use the big boi tools

Big boi tools:
Reroll (nuclear option)

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This was Dat reply

Every FM can get a little heated, but as long as everyone by the end of the day apologizes or says no harm no foul we all good, everyone should know that people have emotions and just not get to angry, and if u do just take a step back, and just cool down. We are all friends here, no ones gonna be too toxic. It’s only happened it one game and it prob wont happen again. People were blacklisted for a bit and that should show other people just need to learn to be a bit nicer



I’m in boiz


Whose alt are you :eyes:

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Hows australia?

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