Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

You misunderstand. He went to individual cases but skipped that step in actual writing, indicating that the post was written carefully and not simply something somebody naturally posts.

Notice the past tense.

The feeling I’ve been getting is that in general Ici has been stretching in an unusual way

And what are your reads now



Hjasik (gutread, of course)


In no particular order, of course.

Any particular reason for the Axototl, again…?

It’s a soft

“The short fuse game”
“Oh wait there were two”
“The two short fuse games”

And yes, I only have 6 reads that I’m mostly certain of. I’m deliberately slowing down my play so it’s actually accurate.

There have been three, actually.

Most of these players I haven’t fully read yet. I should probably do this instead of just staying on those I’ve already read.

…no? Aatand was extremely involved in both Short Fuses and wouldn’t forget about one of them. His mind would go:
>Celeste blew up somebody in Short Fuse X and Y
>Celeste blew up somebody in two short fuses
>Celeste blew up somebody in two of the three short fuses.

Why does he not use the first one? Ergo, the wording makes no sense if we assume Astand just wrote the post, indicating very clearly that he revised that post many times before posting it.

Hjasik is town due to their reaction on the IC

Ici have you seen my read on Meto, if so, what do you think?

In both shortfuses, I was apart of the Mafia, no?

How would comparing a unique gamemode to another totally different gamemode work.

FoL and Shortfuse just aren’t the same thing.

And, this isn’t attacking you, just making a comment on something.

Even if the initial proposition is true, Astand is usually only trigger happy with words when he us under pressure and Celeste playing bad != she being scum.


Ici is trying to convince us that somehow Astand called you scum because you played bad

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Stop gaslighting me, kindly.

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