Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I’ll put you in slight town instead.

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Yeah, you are right. Which would imply Margaret didn’t know that she was hacked and is town. Ok.

That list was mainly for my benefit btw but then I thought I may aswell post it here too.

I was ITA’d by Magnus after shooting him.

Hey fam, I got struck with an ailment. I die in two nights

Tbh I thought she was town anyway because she shot twice, but looks like even shooting once clears her.


She shot twice because she was intoned

Is ninja still ailling btw?

Did you take over Ezreal during the night or starting with d2?

Not sure, heal him tonight anyway

Also have we seen any class cards which give references to ailments or curing them?

I took over for him at night time.

im tk

Can you dayvig?

nevermind im town offensive/killing

The closest would be Blue’s flip.

I’m not sure who’s reading me as scum at all. Ergo the mysterious giver of ailments is prob scum

Can you dayvig?

I know, but she said she made a second shot to test if it was related to DatBird in particular, if she knew she was hacked (which she would know if she’s scum), risking another counter from Wazza for no reason makes no sense.

no i cna’t dayvig