Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Scum Ici and scum Magnus died
A lot of town died

You were checked as scum

And there’s that

And now at L-3

Cupcake was shot, flipped town cop and had you down as scum

You can start lolcatting now

Ha. Ha. How funny: that is impossible.
Also, I just checked the first post: How the heck is there already a D2 lynch?

No, we are serious.

  1. Who shot cupcake?
  2. This is still a stupid reaction test.

It’s not a joke, literally most of this half of d2 is trying to get people to vote you

Are you a miller of some kind? Millers are good guys who show up as bad to invests. That will explain it.

Math did

Haa? How is that even possible?
Unless you are all joking on me, testing me, or unless cupcake was an insane cop, then you are all lying.

Since I’m back I don’t need to fear quickhammering anymore
/vote Zone
L-2 now

I don’t think you’re at L-3 but you’re just over halfway to getting lynched. If you’re town you should probably post your reads and shit

Wait a minute. What’s the current VC?

*checks PM*
No I am not.

Okay… @MathBlade, why did you shoot cupcake?

What the hell… I know I was not paying much attention to this game, but I didn’t think that my ignorance would result in me getting lynched.

Eh. I still claim town. Dunno what the hell happened with that cop, or cupcake even read scum out of me, but I won’t back down from my claim.

Read up on the thread, you might want to make it quick if you want to survive today.

Claiming town isn’t really a claim. I don’t think anyone backs down from claiming town lol.

What has Math said in PM. Do you trust him?