Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Why are you trying to META READ ME THEN

Y e s

You got absolutely shrekt on

As I said, you got pocketed by the town into being overextentous, you do it alot as scum

Who did I overextend in reading

I never actually said Im meta reading you

Im using spooky psychology to get you to admit being scum


/attack geyde

Once again, wont work till D2

/attack alice


The relentless agony of Margaret being mad at something

I make everything else worse too

So gaslighting until I ate and talk about wanting to commit suicide.
Thank you.

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Who the fuck are you?
What is wrong with you?

  1. Timing is when I got on, so I dont know how my timing could be better
  2. So people know where Im at, and they can be like oh have you seen this post yet, and Id be like no I havent hence why Imma go read thread (which I just did)
  3. I have work, and I dont have much time to contribute during the early hours of my day, I would respond to messages as in the messages in the thread, but specifically if you @ me I still will be slow to it since I wouldn’t be around til 5.

This is me asking if you guys have found a scum or not, I was expecting that one of you will say something like “yes, [???] is scum what do you think?” I didn’t say who is scum because I want an answer from you guys, also, when making that post I haven’t fully read all of the thread yet

This post was made after I started to reread D1 so no, I wasn’t caught up enough to think who is caught as scum until now

You call?

I need to force Geyde to claim scum

Well, I am the Resident Harassment Agency

I mean…
Resident Gamethrower, Margaret.

My egotistical nature at heart is what would be considered “wrong” but, everyone is wrong in some way. You are no exception. Embrace it, and let go… look into nature and find yourself, truly.

Are you asking for my help or what

Im also that one person with a psychological major :woman_shrugging:

Y e s

Do you believe you are acting in a way that may hurt a person
Because I can’t understand your intention