Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)





Haven’t seen you in a while? :thinking: Want to play?



Please ping me on Discord when this starts.

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I won’t have the time, sadly

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As a note, I basically need 13 more players in order to get this game running by April 15th as if not then I’ll only be able to run it in August as I’ll be traveling during the summer, so yeah.

I might consider joining if it would make the difference, but I sincerely doubt you will get there at this time.

/out I realized that I won’t have the time for this due to other obligations.

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Running in and yell : “Shall I in?”

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Register me in, i am in

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Join? The chances are so high that I pinged the wrong one.

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Challenge accepted. :eyes:


…Ah, to hell with it.


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am busy irl will see if have time

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It starts at the 15th :slight_smile:

I predict you roll scum

Statistically speaking you have a good chance Blue. :wink:

Of rolling scum, or of going to hell?

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