Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Also I have 100% chance of ITA So anyone Who Says I did something Wrong or outs My reaction test gets insta vigged at start of day 2

Why did you respond to my asking and not Metereo? I only did the at Alice for the question to have visibility. Why was it important to answer me and not Metereo?

If Hjasik has indeed gladiated then I can only hope it’s not a retributionist she’s done this to

Had about enough of that from Overwatch FM


Oh god that was a train wreck.

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Because subconsciously I thought your question was more important to answer.

Town did just about everything they could to mess themselves up that game, up to and including an integrity breach


Makes Sense

Meteoro even said they lack direction in thread

Why would my question subconsciously ping you and Metereo not when it is the same question? Are you scum with Metereo? Boss Metereo Geyde DatBird?

Meteoro lacks direction in thread and won’t backread for now

Lol no it doesn’t. I think Hjasik is the master of sarcasm.

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But enough about that, let’s talk about the game (for at least up until I have to leave in t-minus soon minutes)

I love how people have completely forgotten about Poke popping in for 3? comments and then being whisked away into the aether

I am more concerned about those who haven’t posted at all. My concerns in low posters are

Not posted
Barely posted with fluffed up comments
Posted with an excuse

Aura of charisma lvl 5

In that order to be clear.

Posted with an excuse? Like Hippo?

Or more like a defence rather than an excuse?

Like Kape. Mainly if their yeses are yes and nos are nos I am less worried.

If they go on and on about how they can’t post then it’s worrisome like how DatBird did.

They lack post direction as scum, and they lack that lacking here

What do I lack as scum