Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

That’s the spirit!..? :smiley:

join me i’ve only pissed off every god enough to go to the really boring bit of hell


I mean, we kind of already have enough people to start the game, so odds are we’ll probably start it either way in the 15th as we’ll likely have 24p+ by then, so you inning will likely matter.

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got it 15th

So basically, if there’s a spot by the 15th, you’re in, correct?

Just wanting to clear your stance up.

i’m not prepared to make a decision yet is what i’m trying to say
i’ll check back periodically and of course the filling status of this is something i’m taking into account

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Got it.





Join? :thinking:

Stop. Pinging. Me

I’m not pinging you? :thinking:

You did

quote it. :eyes:

You deleted it

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I mean quick edited out but I saw the ping

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Is it November yet

We should probably make like an editable hiatus board or something

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Look it’s real simple

You can invite me back to games when my flag is Armenian again

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Worth a try, you still post a lot soo. :upside_down_face:

/in, but low effort.

Can it be W/V (Intoner being W and Disciple being V)?