Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I fluffpost in most places.
To be fair it was big news to me learning Waz’s age.

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I just woke up. I’ll be around for at least around 11 now.

What sort of a reaction test was that btw?

Funny given how your first post with reads wasn’t provided with any explanations.

Also, what are your current thought on Geyde now? Your read on him fluctuated quite a bit.

16 hours isn’t an issue at all, it’s your content after that time which caught my attention.

That’s fair.

This reaction test was based on them letting me change the subject off topic to the subject of light/dark mode. I realize now this wasn’t that great of a “test” given my own nature.

My current read on Geyde is null leaning town slightly. He has done a pretty good job of defending himself.

You are right I could have focused on reads first instead of defending myself.

The first thing I saw when I came back online was Waz’s let’s play video, posted by Isaac. I didn’t backread before posting initially but I am doing so now.


As I learned the hard way in eevee’s Wild Ride, your town defense is ferocious and unrelenting. I have seen a bit of that here.

Even if it wasn’t great, what were you trying to accomplish initially?

I was trying to gauge just how intensive others might go in an off-topic conversation.
I realize I am basically the only person who prefers light mode everywhere so I was hoping for some valuable information in this regard. Unfortunately, there was not as much to read as I would have hoped.

Can we not have discussions around high pitched voices please and RL voices during the game? It makes me highly dysphoric. I am not mad or calling anyone out please it would just be greatly appreciated if that sort of stuff with RL identities is kept out of game.

That’s such a strange test to do, I think I’ll lean town on Maxwell.

Btw, Math, if you call Magnus scum, shouldn’t you call Gamerpoke scum for the same reasons? (or maybe you did and I missed it?)

I have not called GamerPoke scum. Far as I can tell he hasn’t been pushed and defended so I don’t see the parallel. If he has then yes it’s a scumdicator for GamerPoke.

I think all non-americans are evil. Ez scum reads

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What am i if I’m both american and not-american? :thinking:

If you are born in the u.s.a you are always good

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why are you replying to me

God bless America

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Because I can’t reply to every post easily on mobile.