Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

From what I’ve seen, there wasn’t any real defense going on (Boss said it’s null for Magnus, and that’s about it?)

If anything, Gamerpoke not being pushed/defended as you say is more suspicious imo.

Also, I agree that we shouldn’t lynch low hanging fruits like Magnus D1 (despite myself pointing out his entrance was odd), that’s what ITA’s are for (and slank vig, possibly).

Geyde defends him pretty core.

And it’s actually not because there are so many slankers. The slankers you can’t lynch are likely scum. My theory is that if I had pushed on a town one there probably wouldn’t be this kind of resistance.

If there were only a few slankers I would agree. I just don’t see that here.

And no we should go for “low fruit” scum D1 and see who doesn’t want to lynch scum. Then they are likely scum.

I think astand is scum due to leading, pointing at other people, saying that a person isn’t scum, being a frog, and he’s not american



You are talking like Magnus being scum is already foregone conclusion. But regardless, I think it’s pointless to continue this topic unless we have content from Magnus.

Unless someone provides a reason he isn’t then he is scum to me. So yeah foregone conclusion. I have presented evidence he is scum. The only counter is that he has done this as town. Which is not only gambler’s fallacy allowing it even if he is town brings down town play.

When I get this strong a ping last time it was FireKitten and he was the big bad.

Not sure how you could get same feeling from FK and 2-posts Magnus, but ok.

Also I think it’s dubious that not one, but two mafia members (Boss and Geyde in your view) would jump to protect one of their weaker mafia members.

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I don’t. People try to get away with crazier shit in big setups.

I am good at identifying these markers. If I am wrong or there is a glaring hole then you can bring my theories into question not before. Otherwise then you’re just throwing shade. And shade brings suspicion.

I called Magnus out first.
I haven’t been defending him.

I’ve just been saying that there is more we can do with a lynch today.

Trying to say that I’ve been defending Magnus is factually incorrect.

But you’ve completely ignored that.
wtf Math.

Your entire case is built up to lynch me.
If you want to attack me directly then do it now.

Because I get why you don’t like Magnus, I don’t either.
But lynching LHF d1 isn’t going to yield a better n1, nor will help reads.

We even have slank vigs

I want to lynch scum. Why would you say my entire case is to lynch you? I want to lynch Magnus.

And we fundamentally disagree.

Find scum
Find who doesn’t want to lynch them
Team outs themselves
The end

You know who didn’t want to hang Magnus?

You know what the case will immediately be once Magnus is hung?
Kill Geyde he didn’t want to waste a lynch on something we can’t get associations from

Why would we go to you unless Magnus is scum? Do you have knowledge my read is correct?

And you just dropped off your previous case
That I and three other players were on a scumteam.

Just when it was becoming unreasonable