Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Yuge 100 IQ towncore

Is it you?


I’m confirmed Town as I die tonight, today I can’t die to ITA’s either since I used my ability

Who else literally would it be?

Kk, lynchpool is Baz/Max/Kape imo unless one of em claims popola

If you want, you can shoot me and test your luck of a coin flip in life

In v4 baz claims Popola :^)

Ok going to sleep now


I’m busy, will roll it in about two hours.

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Also, Baz’s SV isn’t in range of 42. That was my guess

Oh c’mon :^)

@Boss110 what’s your ITA %? Mine is 60% today and I get extra shots if I dodge ITAs to myself

Looks like nothing is happening right now, so I’m just gonna go sleep. @Boss110 tell Mercenary I love them.

Even tho he should know about it already.

Merc is a she :^)

@Marcus_Doodalee @Maxwell @bazingaboy @Isaac_Gonzalez Can you guys hardclaim?


Both you ability and flavour