Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

Like I rlly felt bad,

  • Blacklist PKR
  • Blacklist Celeste
  • Blacklist both
  • Blacklist neither

0 voters

Yeah. It’s why I’ve been pushing the blacklist as comp games here too often have far too many people who don’t even try.

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I tried but was bad

Not as bad as PKR or Celeste.

Can we talk about PKR though and what that bs was

Did I improve my scum game though by trying to buss them all D1 :thinking:

I apologise, I was extremely busy and didnt have much time to myself.
Also y’all can’t just rely on meta. That’s BS


You’re essentially saying that you’re not playing to your town game because you want to teach us a lesson, this is essentially gamethrowing.

At least you say sorry compared to Celeste who doesn’t care


Also, Row 5.

Could Town have gotten a WORSE setup than Row 5 with the JOAT dying N1?


When I have university every week it now takes up the best part of 3-4 days including work I’m expected to complete outside of lectures. Add sleep to that and I have around 2 days, maybe a bit less to be able to comment.
But there were far too many posts and I can only apologise for being inactive, it’s something y’all will have to accept for a while. I got incredibly frustrated when y’all accused me just because of Meta and it made me feel like now I just can’t be welcomed to play here so it got me down

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That’s understandable, but it still was a frustrating move for you to not try at all in a game that had that craptastic d1/n1 start.

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I didnt know what else to say tbh. I didn’t have enough time to make a comprehensive readslist amongst all games I am in so I guess I just shouted out in frustration and made it seem worse than it is. That’s my bad

I feel like an official blacklist should be announced before implemented, so players have a chance to shape up in face of a credible threat.

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Then do it now.

also if you have to be threatened to try you shouldn’t be playing anyways

You’re all blacklisted from every game, so I win by default


Good luck keeping up a playerbase then.

no u :slight_smile:

Not really, there’s technically only 4ish chronic slankers still active in this site and to blacklist them wouldn’t impact many games at all.