Ninjas And Guns - Game Over - You guys got defeated by wolves with water pistols

it can be still 5 row where there is no IC or am I missing something

You are missing something. It’s most likely that’s it’s the innocent child row.

There were two nightkills, so they probably had the One-Shot Vig.

Right now my town read is Alice.

And that’s my only town read (btw if you saw the message earlier, I changed it)

So that would make it Row 5 then

one shot vigi is on 5 row too no?

Don’t worry about it, its most likely it’s the innocent child row IMO.

Right now we can assume that 5C and 5D are gone.

Just quoting this to post so we don’t have to keep scrolling to the top for a while

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Oh, I didn’t see it, but It’d say it’s 66:33 being D:5

And I apologize for losing my temper and for what I said earlier. I’m extremely sorry and that is not usually how I am. I hope you forgive me.

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We should cross off 5C and 5D at this moment.

We have a Villager JOAT, so it can only be 5 or D in this case.


5C because a Vanilla Villager died, didn’t they?

What was killed because I’m reading from backwards upwards

is that a slip

Marl was a vanillager while Luxy was a villager JOAT.

Yes, a Vanilla Villager died

It’s gotta be Row D then since there was a kill and no one is claiming occupied due to the Wolf Jailkeep