Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

Oops I also misinterpreted that somehow

@windward why am i not town?

Also ftr i dont think uni does this consciously obviously
his posts just feel much much more muted as mafia


I donā€™t know what you are. I never said you are specifically not town.that would imply that youā€™re definitely scum and Iā€™m not convinced of that.

I understood it as the second one
And i meant that there is no ā€œbadā€ decision d1, just some better
I recognize that the vote might be hard to go through due to the gang, but ill try to convince those that will listen

Wup my bad sorry

Actually no i lied
There are bad decisions d1
Namely killing inactives that give us 0 info to work with tmrw

In which case you should have recognized from ny playstyle thus far that im a valuable asset as town and being ok with limming me d1 is concerning

I donā€™t think you understand how my categories work, but ok

Why are you trying to sell me on not yeeting you today when Iā€™ve neither scumread nor pushed you? What makes you more valuable to keep around than, say, Esooa, who I also havenā€™t scumread or pushed?

I will not just blindly join wagons if the people in my ā€œfine with wagoningā€ list get wagoned. It means I keep a close eye on the wagon without directly interfering until I see a post that I think is enough to make or break my decision to join the wagon.

Plane has begun taxiing
Give me a person to vote in 30 secs or it stays on wind

koba or aelin

Also, the reason Iā€™m not clearing you as town for your analysis is because so far youā€™ve been stuck on pushing Intensify and Esooa as I recall, and given quite a lot of thought on my slot but havenā€™t reached a conclusion, despite defending me earlier and then saying I do have some wolfy points, and yet now youā€™re asking me to townread you.

Vote me kek

Koba is weirding me out a bit now but Iā€™m not really sure theyā€™re a hit

I want to ISO Esooa again before deciding what I think of her alignment but I have zero energy for ISOs and will likely not do anything before EoD anyway.

votes wind harder
Alright bye

Sulit and aelin town
Esooa maybe
Wind scum
PKR maybe
Beware of marshal/eevee/marl

Have fun

I can make myself a wagon if people want me to suddenly become relevant but these 1-vote vanity wagons are stupid as hell and I think weā€™re gonna lose the game without a single wolf yeet if this continues

Ok so Iā€™ve seen Koba and Cloned give opinions so far on this, but does anyone else think that thereā€™s a wolf within Marl/Marshal, specifically?

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You know what, youā€™re right, Iā€™m not even contributing anything to the thread so I might as well leave. I donā€™t want you to preflip me as a wolf and incorrectly association read other people off my slot. Vote me out if you truly think the game is going to be more solvable once I flip. Even if you hard scumread me, consider what information my flip gives when I flip town. Iā€™ll save you guys the trouble of reading my apparently useless posts, and not post again until D2 if Iā€™m still alive, and at this rate I expect I will be. Good luck!

Nobody is flipping you, cloned is just potating
ignore him and keep playing your game

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either potatoing or scum, one or the other