Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)


Player Voted by Votes
Marshal Marshal, ATNoName, Intensify 3/9
Marluxion PokemonKidRyan, clonedcheese, DkKoba 3/9
EliThePsycho EliThePsycho 1/9
ATNoName sulit 1/9
sulit Esooa 1/9
Not voting Marluxion, Aelin, eevee, NetherNitro, Universal, SkyRED, Wazza, WindwardAway 8

The day will end at 2021-06-07T17:00:00Z.

people play overwatch


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/vote Marshal

hammering people is objectively funny

at scum

Bruh moment

iā€™m going to hope this video uploads correctly


look at the way he is sitting!

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Professional Sitter

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Hi guys Iā€™m catching up, Iā€™ve been out with friends and will also be out for most of tomorrow irl so this is yet another sucky slank cover post

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/vote Cloned

Hecc u

Imagine having friends.

Could not be me.


At least I didnā€™t say it, you did.

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I have friends but none of us have lives, we just drink and play games lol

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Bruh moment.

Having a friend != having a life


Threadā€™s beenā€¦ sorta dead, and itā€™s been 6 hours since EoD.

Perhaps I am rushing things a bit but likeā€¦

Not much has been productive, despite the fact itā€™s 17 players.

So Iā€™ll justā€¦ steal some questions from a certain nerd named Arete ask a couple of questions while you guys are here.

  1. What was your latest town game
  2. What was your latest scum game
  3. What is one thing you could do better next time for both games you just mentioned.
  4. What do you make of Marshalā€™s veryā€¦ nonchalant response to his meme wagon forming.
  5. How do we properly torture all people who eat pineapple on pizza (this oneā€™s optional if you donā€™t want to get political)

Most of these questions are NAI or maybe a little bit pointless and I know that, but I think itā€™s worth getting this thread moving after 6 hours if so be it, and plus the first 3 questions are sorta worth answering considering I see a lot of new faces around here and itā€™s good for me and the rest of us to know each otherā€™s general attitude and capabilities more.

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And I know thereā€™s gonna be the one nerd thatā€™s gonna ask me to answer these as well so Iā€™ll just answer them first.

  1. My latest town game was NUF FM, I was Town Nexus.

  2. My latest scum game was BOTF: Behind The Curtains, I was uhhhā€¦ a poisoner in a lil monsta game with a Marionette scummate, which is like a Mafia flagbearer who could roleblock/make someone insane if they had an investigative abilityā€¦ and my teammate was someone who was a lost wolf who thought they were town. (BOTF is a very different game, so itā€™s hard to describe)

  3. For my latest town game, I tried mech solving using my own sense of logic (sussā€™ing the Neapolitan cause I thought there were too many positive PRs) and also in general tunneled some people and miscleared a scum due to one specific interaction that I honestly probably put too much credibility into.
    For my latest scumgame, there wasnā€™t much I did wrong per say, but I think my biggest fault was commiting to a specific plan and claim too early, and not assessing the possibilities clearly, which resulted with me ignorantly sticking to that plan, which made it harder for me once I figured out it wasnā€™t worth it.

  4. To me, I donā€™t exactly know, which is sorta reason why I am asking. Iā€™m leaning towards it being NAI honestly, and it probably is, but just incase, someone else might have some other idea floating around thatā€™s worth listening to.


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:cold_face: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

Thank you very cool Marshal