Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - [3/17] - Day 7: Mafia Wins (winky face) (it's not a joke)

sulit is v
im not elaborating until someone guesses my reasoning

unrelated pro tip: if you donā€™t have reads, say you have a read, ask people to guess the reasoning and then steal theirs

i am gay

  • What was your latest town game
  • What was your latest scum game
  • What is one thing you could do better next time for both games you just mentioned.
  • What do you make of Marshalā€™s veryā€¦ nonchalant response to his meme wagon forming.
  • How do we properly torture all people who eat pineapple on pizza (this oneā€™s optional if you donā€™t want to get political)
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  1. Darling in the Franxx
  2. Most recent scum game that started was actually Upick 2, and I got voted out D1 so it also ended very fast for me lol. Most recent scum game that I played till the end was Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis, on Mafia Colosseum, but it started in March. The day phases were 12 irl days long and the night phases were 48 h so I bussed both my partners D1 and D2 and got stuck solo wolfing till the end (and won) lol.
  3. Better for the town game? Couldā€™ve trusted my reads more. I managed to bag 5/6 wolves in a single post early in the game without knowing I had done so, and also towncored a widely scumread town player for a while, but went back on some of those reads and towncored a wolf and dropped that one widely scumread player out of my towncore and straight into my PoE cause lol consensus.
    Better for the scum game? Uh, not bussed both my partners immediately. We were screwed because they were both top wagons on D1 and very nearly tied for votes (but Gorta accidentally hammered) and also werenā€™t counterwagons, so they got chain yeeted as a result. But also, I didnā€™t have enough distancing interactions, either. People were just not really looking at me because I was doing weirdly useless things in the game and also coasting because town was pushing agenda for me. Think I got a bit lazy and had low WiM because of the long day phases (game lasted 3 months) and having randed wolf 5 times in a row.
  4. I skimmed very fast and didnā€™t see anything of note, so I think I completely missed that. Will go back and look for it. I refuse to write it off as towny because I think Marshal is more than capable of keeping her cool as a wagoned wolf. Iā€™ve only seen one wolf game from her, though, and she was not very cool with the wagon (but it wasnā€™t during the meme phase so lol).
  5. I would suggest policy voting them out of the game, but that would include myself, so I guess I should self-vote and AtE? This is the way-

I think replying on mobile just got even worse with the last update and ive lost this post three times already which is beyond annoying lol

I gotta go to sleep but imma give you guys something to do


I have two preliminary (light) scumleans within this list already from at least two of their posts each.

Im not going to ask you to guess who my scumleans are but I want you to go through the posts up to this point and find one post from each of these players that has wolf potential,if any. If you donā€™t think any posts from them look wolfy,then say so. (youā€™re exempted from ISOing yourself unless you feel like pointing out your own wolfiness lol)

sup nerds

should prolly warn yall that i do in fact exist

and that I have in fact joined this game

Hello gamer

(also, goodbye gamer, imma go to sleep lol)

k that sounds like the smart thing to do

you are, in fact, a part of this game
you are not, in fact, free to vote

yeah thats cool and all but who asked

Yeah I thought Iā€™d go to sleep earlier than yesterday but now itā€™s almost 3 am so RIP


I forgot you were a part of this game tbh

what is this why are my replies bugged Im not replying I am just posting