Ninjas and Guns - Overwatch Flavor - SIGNUPS [17/17] - RANDING

No it is much funnier to watch vigilante kill both himself and another town that was tree’ing in FoL


guys i’ve become good at mafia and will now carry the team


right but see we have a thing called “desperados” for that which are way funnier and less annoying

What that.

desperado more like
desperate tornado

if you shoot a wolf, the wolf dies.
if you shoot a villager, you die and they live

Not enough bloodshed.

Bad role

It’s usually a day role making it superior

Suicide bomber

Lost Town.

Mafia Masons.

Survivor Unjester.

Guiltless Suicide Bomber.

Ninja Sleepwalker

Non-Consecutive Strongman Vigilante

Gated Vanilla Townie

Godfather Miller

Yes much better.

What other cursed mafia roles exist…


its like
imagine if doctor was fucking stupid

2-shot Innocent Child

How does this work exactly?

It’s either a 1 shot vig or a rolecop


i have clicked this link like 3 times, just to listen to music or get to youtube fast


all of the “role/role” slots are either the former or latter roll, decided by a 50/50 roll

the only exceptions are column B or row 4, in which case mafia cannot have 2 jailkeepers so if one rands the other 50/50 slot is automatically assigned the non-jailkeeper role