[Noble Contest] Noble Rework Pitch(JammySplodge)

Moreover, we’ll be having a contest for NOBLE class rework! Post your ideas @ the “Classes/Lore” section of https://forum.imperium42.com/

Challenge Accepted

The Noble

Blue Dragon Social
Noble Gossip(Passive) - You may speak anonymously with Nobles and Aristocrats at Night, you will not know their identities nor their classes, they will all appear as “Noble”
Royal Blood(Passive) - You may step up as King
Secret Message(Night) - Send a secret message to a player - Infinite Uses
Send Servant(Night) - Send a servant to visit a player, killers will avoid that player in case the servant sees them - 2 Uses

The Aristocrat

Unseen Social
Noble Gossip(Passive) - You may speak anonymously with Nobles and Aristocrats at Night, you will not know their identities nor their classes, they will all appear as “Noble”, you will hear what the Unseen say but they will not hear you
Royal Blood(Passive) - You may step up as King
Secret Message(Night) - Send a secret message to a player - Infinite Uses
Send Maid(Night) - Send a maid to visit a player, occupying them - 2 Uses


Splitting the nobles into 4 classes seems like a wise move. It would also re-imburse the original premise of the nobles being 4 players and remove the negative aspect of the game of there being too many of the same class in a game


I likey. Nobles shouldn’t self confirm to each other, and this hides that. Also, night immunity on BD is annoying, so nobles shouldn’t have it

OMFG Jammy you’re a class making boss!

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The only thing needed is clarification for as to what she means by incorrect feedback for the Earls ability

Like Illusionist’s mind warp, I’m assuming?

Butler will be told their target was occupy immune
Sheriff investing an Unseen would get a not sus

I was thinking more of ‘you were occupied’ or ‘You were attacked and healed’ etc

Also thanks, you reminded me I need to clarify mind warp in the manual ;D


Wiki Queeney is Special

I meant like Mind Warp



I really like the idea of splitting it into a “one for each faction” kinda deal. As mentioned, this would also take away the ease of self-confirming two BDs in one swoop easily.

I assume this would mean each of the noble varieties is completely independent from each other? As in, only the person themselves would be affected by a conversion, death etc. and the others would remain unaffected.

Is there a limit on how many players with these roles can appear in a game?

You assume correctly, the only connection is the ability to speak with each other

i would imagine 3 maximum of Nobles + Patricians together

Sounds good.

but that could be any combination of the 3


I assume being blocked by servants would leave the feedback of ‘Something prevented you visiting xyz’

no it’s just protection

The problem there is don’t you confirm scum to a knight coldsteeling?

i don’t understand

it protects from death like alchemist or physician or king that’s all it does