[Noble Contest] Noble Rework Pitch(JammySplodge)

I just get fucking irritated when I answer a fucking question and then I get asked the same god damn question again
and again
and again
if you want fucking answers then read my fucking replies

I don’t see a yes or a no, which is what the question seeks as a response. Even saying “I’d assume they do still die but I’m not sure” is better than freaking out over a question.

Like I had to answer that myself.

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well if we do the obvious thing and look at the fucking wiki we see that it says “Kill a player. If they were an ally, you will instead take your own life.”
This means that if you target an ally with cold steel you’ll die

i should probably change the wiki descriptions to “attack a player” as that’s a more accurate description

it’s not my job to tell you how pre-existing mechanics work when you can look it up yourself


A small note of ‘Servants have the same effective on the affected player as alchemist heal ability’ to which I could then ask the clarification of, ‘Does knight still die if they attack a BD player protected by a servant?’ Would have stopped my questions sooner