Noble (Idk how to do colors. Rip)
Blue Dragon Social
Passive 1-Royal Blood-We all know what this does.
Passive 2-Royal Community-You can talk with other Nobles, the Treasurer, and Aristocrats at night. All of them will appear as ‘Noble’.
Day Ability 1-Art of Bribery-Make someone vote for someone else (1 Use)
Night Ability 1-Maid Spy-Same as the current one.
Night Ability 2-Business Letter-Send someone a letter. They will be occupied and the letter will appear the next day for them to read. (3 Uses)
Goal-BD Goal
Treasurer (They can only appear with Nobles but they won’t always appear.)
Blue Dragon Social
Passive 1-Royal Blood-Same as the current one.
Passive 2-Royal Community-You can talk with other Nobles, the Treasurer (That’s you) and Aristocrats at night. All of them will appear as ‘Noble’.
Day Ability 1-Buy With Money-Give a noble/aristocrat another use of ‘Art of Bribery’ (3 Uses)
Night Ability 1-Buy With Money-Give a noble/aristocrat another use of ‘Buisiness Letter’ (3 Uses)
Night Ability 2-Rags to Riches-Convert someone into a Noble (If they’re BD)/Aristocrat (If they’re Unseen). (1 Use)
Note: The two ‘Buy With Money’ abilities are connected with each other.
Goal-BD Goal
Unseen Social
Passive 1-Royal Blood-We all know what this does.
Passive 2-Royal Community-You can talk with other Nobles, the Treasurer, and Aristocrats at night. All of them will appear as ‘Noble’. You can’t talk with the Unseen though. You will appear as a ‘Noble’ even if you become an Assassin.
Day Ability 1-Art of Bribery-Make someone vote for someone else (2 Uses)
Night Ability 1-Punishing Maid-Blackmail someone. (Infinite Uses)
Night Ability 2-Business Letter-Send someone a letter. They will be occupied and the letter will appear the next day for them to read. (3 Uses)
Goal-Unseen Goal
Briber (Converted Treasurer)
Unseen Social
Passive 1-Royal Blood-Same as the current one.
Passive 2-Royal Community-You can talk with other Nobles, the Briber (That’s you) and Aristocrats at night. You know which of them are Aristocrats. You can’t talk with the Unseen at night. You will still appear as a ‘Noble’ even if you become an Assassin.
Day Ability 1-Buy With Money-Give an aristocrat another use of ‘Art of Bribery’ (3 Uses)
Night Ability 1-Buy With Money-Give an aristocrat another use of ‘Buisiness Letter’ (3 Uses)
Night Ability 2-Lonely Greed-Convert someone into an Aristocrat. Can only be used if all nobles and aristocrats are dead. (1 Use. Can’t been used if you already used it as a Treasurer)
Night Ability 3-Corruption-Change your class into a different Unseen class (Not Assassin or Mastermind) Can only be used if all Nobles and Aristocrats are dead. 1 Use
Note: The two ‘Buy With Money’ abilities are connected with each other.
Goal-Unseen Goal