(click on image above to see all 3 screenshots)

In this legendary game, an Aristocrat uses Noble Twin TWICE to carry Unseen to victory.

He could not use Political Pressure because it was Hunter and GK left, and you can’t target King with Political Pressure. (edit: as nuclearburrito explained, PP could have achieved the same effect)

I have changed my mind about removing Noble Twin from Noble.

What about you, @NuclearBurrito ?

Noble Twin has always been good.

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How exactly was he voted up in the first place?

Hold up. If you have an Aristocrat than doesn’t that mean you have majority?

It was Good King, Hunter, Aristocrat, and Assassin.

The Assassin was voted up by Hunter and Good King’s Royal Finger.

Not him. The guy in the pic

Both Unseen and either Hunter or King voted him up.

Sounds to me like you didn’t need a twin to get his vote

He changed his mind and pardoned. So yeah, we did need Twin to execute the BD on stand.

All the information you could possibly ask for can be deduced by looking at the 3 images

Oh and for the first one where you saved the assassin. Political Pressure actually works just fine.

No it doesn’t, are you actually looking at the pictures? There are 3 screenshots. You cannot use political pressure in a situation where there are only 2 non-unseen and one of those is GK.

Sure you can. Make the Hunter vote the assassin

King will decide fate execute the assassin

No he won’t. He used finger

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Hey that’s a good point you’re right.

The twin was necessary to execute the BD tho

Again not really. This late in the game someone should only be voting to kill. If they are not then it won’t be hard to win anyways

This is because games with and without trials still balence the same