Non-Apostle Cult converts need buffs

Now let’s move on to invoker

Enforcer shouldn’t let people know they were prevented.

Change my mind


Oh and Protection (enforcer’s thing) is actually really good when you think about it.

Prevents invests, prevents kills, prevents occupy, isn’t suspicious to you

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What would it tell them? That they got fucking imposed upon by a big boi?


Tbh Invoker really only needs its day abilities changed.

enrage- Your night abilities will bypass immunities tonight.
Bewilder- Prevent target player from using day abilities for the rest of today. They will not be notified until they attempt to use an ability. Still consumes the cost of the ability.


I’d think 1 and 1

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It’s a good idea, but the main issue with it is that it can’t stop Prince(at least not efficiently

IMO the only issue with Protection is that it is powercreeped by Fire Wall, and Fire Wall should be changed so it can’t target unseen, and allows only the unseen to target(so Mastermind can visit)

2 for enrage and 1 for bewilder

For April Fools, make guard and the unseen equivalent renamed as T-Pose


Fire Wall is an Unseen ability. I wouldn’t worry too much about power creep there

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We should still try to make abilities unique though.

Firewall can’t even target unseen?

Last time i checked it could. I haven’t played Sage in a while

Ability’s that are simple and based on existing mechanics are more likely to get in

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It can. You can even self target with it

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Why is an offensive class better at defending unseen then Enforcer is

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Also I want a support unseen that’s main focus is keeping it and the unseen alive

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Enforcer is reactive, not proactive.

It struggles to defend ALL unseen

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