Non-Apostle Cult converts need buffs

Apostle is the best cult convert by far

Need information?

Spy is the best cult ability for that

Need to tamper with someones ability?

Mindwarp > Brotherhood or even occupy

Invoker is mostly useless, Ritualist is situational and seeker is outclassed.

we need to buff them.


Current Seeker Proposal

Make Gaze return the target’s exact class

Give Seeker a passive that reveals their results to the cult at the end of each night

Current Ritualist Proposal

Make brotherhood a 2 use visit prevent

Make a 1 use day ability with current brotherhoods effect

Make teleport have 3 uses

Current Invoker Proposal

Give him a day ability that makes his ability’s bypass immunity’s and prevents visit to his target if CoC/makes the effect hidden if SoM (1 use)

Make bewilder targetable


Give invoker day ability to bypass occupy/redirect immunity.

Bewilder is now distract


Erm, except Bewilder is literally the best part of the Invoker’s kit, why would you ever get rid of it?

bewilder is buffed to distract

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To understand why apostle is the best, let’s go over the details:

  • Gains extreme bonuses because of KW meta. Can determine multiple classes instantly because of it
  • Mindwarping inherently has more flexibility

Seeker is not great because:

  • Slow. It can only determine one class at a time.
  • It can’t even exactly determine those classes (it gives imperfect results, and requires speculation).

How to fix:

Give seeker a limited ability of probe (reduce their current main abilities’ uses by one)
Potentially allow them to see the faction (I’m iffy here) of people they use the follow on


To understand why brotherhood is weak, one would need look no further that it being REALLY reactive, and in no way proactive.

It has no flexibility unlike mindwarp.

How to fix:

Make brotherhood a day ability.
Add 1 use defile


This. But it would only have one use.

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and buff bewilder to distract

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@NuclearBurrito What do you think about these proposals?

and Invoker is just bad in general until late game

A little iffy on them. But your assessment of the issues were spot on

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Compare to FoL, where Cult is really good

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Cult alts are awesome

Well, why is Cult in FoL good?

Cult alts

lul the amount of coding to get to fol cult would be a lot


Come to think of it

Cult Points are relics of a bygone era

Back when there was feedback, so losing your abilities meant death

Nowadays they’re kinda excessive tbh

Yeah same solution obviously isn’t really going to work here. Still cool though


Please choose your cult Alts popup in the middle of the day

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