[NSFM] Not Safe Forum Mafia - Prisoners Win

I am saying you are scum for tunneling and for the reasons we did not get n1 kills since I am not the damn Alien
This or you were attacked, but hey, gotta consider the complex scenarios :slight_smile:

hold on a second

This just in: Reaper doesnā€™t want thoughtful discussion


Ok now I understand
Thatā€™s true, but nothing holds back his chance to gamble
Also, if mark is scum, he can just use the teleport excuse like I said


Okay so

This is like saying blue is scum who didnā€™t attack to make the ice person suspicious

donā€™t attack me with wine attack me with logic

How would Blue make the ice person suspicious

Not attacking

My brain turned into soup, send help

While Occamā€™s razor suggests that the simplest explanation is the most likely, implying in medicine that diagnostician should assume a single cause for multiple symptoms, one form of Hickamā€™s dictum states: ā€œA man can have as many diseases as he damn well pleases.ā€[2]

please note in medicine

Right, but he cannot know who was iced
You do


The same reason that FK would.

Your theory can apply to literally everyone but the icer, I think

Even then, can the icer kill alongside their action?

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how would I know who would be iced before hand I learn at the beginning of the day

Also what is ISO.

Isolation Of Posts

ā€¦. sigh

Read up, itā€™s been explained to you.

No no, FK has the advantage of knowing who was Iced

I do

at the start of the day