Court Wizard
Blue Dragon Support
Passive: Mimicry - If you mimic a target who has a passive immunity you will get it too.
Day ability 1: Magic barrier - Target player will be conversion immune until you select someone else, get converted or die. You will know if this is triggered. (Unlimited. Works like scout)
Day ability 2: Mimic - Weaken will also have the effect of target players primary night ability. Will not work if the ability is social, special or is 2 target. It will not give any additional feedback. (3 uses)Night ability 1: Weaken - Actions used against target player cannot fail. (Unlimited)
Night ability 2: Tornado - Redirect anyone visiting either of your target’s to the other target. Bypasses redirect immunity. (3 uses)
Unseen Support
Passive: Mana barrier - While you exist the assassin cannot be occupied or redirected. Anyone who tries will think they succeeded.
Day ability 1: Freeze - Target player will be occupied through immunity’s tonight. (1 use)
Day ability 2: Aura Shield - You will be immune to occupy and redirect tonight. (2 use)Night ability 1: Tornado - Redirect anyone visiting either of your target’s to the other target. Bypasses redirect immunity. (Unlimited)
Night ability 2: Wall of Fire - Prevent anyone but the Unseen from visiting target player. Can self target. (2 uses)
Note: Mimic will also not work on Prince or Merc because he has no one jailed and has no contract. It will however work on Assassin, Reaper, Drunk ect but it will not give feedback.
Weaken also does not let you bypass knight guard but it will bypass hunter bear or phys heal.
Mimicry will not copy Armored if you select knight. It only copy’s occupy/redirect, bleed/poison and death immunity.