NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat


You didnā€™t choose a side for Martial vs Euphie thoughā€¦

I chose Nuwan~ :eyes:
My logic wanted to save Euphues. But the other wagon was Renzyā€¦ Which I could have chosenā€¦ But again, bussing scum buddy.

I thought you marinated him :joy:

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I think we all know by now that my level of in-game activity wont let that marination to work.

On another note: tiltil despite saying paranoid this paranoid that doesnt even show any paranoia in this game. I suspect heā€™s mafia in this game.

I donā€™t think you sheeped that much in your last town game.

I still think he might be town (?)

There was no one to sheep.

Sad that you had to come up with original thoughts then :rofl:

My suspect list is: tilga, gorta, eli
With PKR and eevee as a possible suspect since i think both of them found out my ability before the day phase was over. I had an extra suspicion on PKR since he suddenly claimed to check me (late day phase) after i had claimed PR(early day phase). But he claimed investigator role so my sus on him had to be supressedā€¦

I meanā€¦ I donā€™t think PKRā€™s lying about his role. But I feel like itā€™s not a town role.
From the design aspectā€¦ Like why that role?
Logically, it should piece in with something else, right? It shouldnā€™t just be my ā€˜vanillaā€™?

Is there even a Vigilante?

pkr is definetly a townie imo heā€™s been pure and being pure

Ah yes, that is definitely a sentence.

I had a dream where someone replaced out of this game

Not unlikely tbh.

Ah, geez. Iā€™m still getting isoā€™d.

And none of them are looking at it from the fact that I was very comfortable in my position.

btw where did the vig claim come from?

Here, I think.

PKR be wolfin