NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat


He can find more PRs for Mafia to kill :^)


Sorry. I was playing AMQā€¦

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:heart: :decora:

Still catching back up on every front butā€¦

:eyes: In hindsight, I got my no exe anywayā€¦ but this plan would have worked too, right? Since no exe has priority. :joy:

For the townies who might see this: I really did try helping! I just misunderstood my role! I never(?) lied!

cloned is a wolf

why is he still alive

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Clonedā€™s dead though?

Whatā€™s your own take on your own meta then?

If I actively choose someone, Iā€™m probably scum.
Does not apply to that time when it was Zone/Martial.

cloned is a wolf


Yes. But I also want to make it a large disclaimer, I misunderstood my wincon! hmph

No!! Donā€™t think that!! I.e. being happy is good!

What do you mean by actively choose someone?

/vote @Cream

Also my mafia streak is over~

Like in our first game and I went ā€œHasty sus!ā€ or later in another game ā€œI donā€™t like Nuwan!ā€
Something like that? Donā€™t remember what happened in the third game. :thinking:

Whichā€¦ gives no information to the forum dwellers here. :joy:

The short version should beā€¦ I ā€œscumhuntā€ more actively as scum? I tend to sheep as town. When there isnā€™t anyone to sheep, I tunnel + meta hard. E.g. last game.

If anyone bothered to know what my ā€œhintā€ was, it was stalk you
i also visited @tilgarial on N1

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:sob: Iā€™m sorry I couldnā€™t save you. I want you to know I tried!