NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

Gorta is >rand V

I’ve read very little of the game but his Iso was short so I skimmed it

i was going to iso the 2nd lowest poster then realized halfway through it was the host


Ha. Ha. Ha. No. :neutral_face:

:sob: I really see no downside to it.

Any event from me results in less game balance and less WiM in NUF.
I am not going to repeat that in FoL.

Well… at least they’re lynching EVO over Marl, which I think is the better option.

I think your events result in more WiM. Also, non-game-related will won’t break balance since it’s non-game-related.

I can’t check that, nor do I want to.


155 minutes left. :eyes: :popcorn:

They should let it rand. Nothing quite as thrilling.

You do realize that a tie is very unlikely to ever happen, right?

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Yeah, it’s probably not going to happen. But one can dream.

This is me every game :joy_cat:

Yep. Cream’s dream = Thrill of the rand.

This reeks scum. :joy_cat: Yeet Intensify guys

Too bad rands never pull through in my favor, except that one time when I got 3 votes.

Yep. It (the event) was fun though.
(…in that I get to see so many people fail. :smiling_imp: )


Also GonZ:


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cloned is a wolf