NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

cloned is Town


cloned is neutral :joy_cat:

Zone are you going to keep track of bets for us

Sure. I may as well do that and update the OP of this PM while I am at it.

cloned is a shy town who doesnt like taking risks

this is not town cloned

unless cloned has suddenly had a brain transplant

Iā€™ll think on Clonedā€¦

Whatever it is you want to do, donā€™t forget that points can go into the negative.
I mean, these points are literally worth nothing, but I assume that nobody likes being in the negative, even if it involves imaginary points.

have they lynched town yet?

Nope. 2 hours left to go.

Why is this called NUF FM if the flavor is MDZS? Shouldnā€™t it be MDZS FM?

Flavor is not MDZS. Flavor is NUF.
MDZS is just the OP. It was chosen by a Nuffian.
It is NovelUpdates Forum, after all.

Who are the NUF characters then as flavor? I donā€™t think it matters if you say that, right? Since itā€™s probably randed.

  1. Gandire Alea
  2. Kalto
  3. AliceShiki
  4. Westeller
  5. OnceandFutureLurker
  6. Novela
  7. Togepi
  8. melomarl
  9. Nahrenne
  10. Fossil
  11. akki
  12. Osamaru
  13. GonZ555
  14. Ai chan
  15. Ophious

:joy_cat: Oh boyā€¦ I wonder who got that.

Not GonZ.

omg thatā€™s what NUF means
itā€™s your forums
I thought it was a game

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Feels like EVO is going to be lynched.

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: