NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

Mmn. Unless a CFD happens, I can totally see that happening.

I don’t think they even have a consensus candidate to CFD to.

Fair enough. :pensive:

It’s just been Marl v EVO for like the past day… which is kind of awful.

When does the day end

EVO is getting lynched, and no one on the wagon even has a strong case against him.

In 1 hour and 5 minutes.

Has everyone made their bets?
No? Welp. Okay…

Wait what are we betting?

Look at OP. We’re betting points.

When does the bet for clonedcheese’s alignment close? At EOD1? Or end of N1?

Whenever he dies.

decora is still on no exe :face_vomiting: why decora why

:popcorn: :dark_sunglasses:

I think this is a T/T wagon situation.

wouldn’t surprise me

prediction: 1 vig shot hits scum, and town ML everything else

Is that a bet I smell?

0 faith in town :joy_cat:

I bet 1 scum lynch and the rest are mislynches

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