NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

why did min die… but more importantly who is min (I literally can’t remember anything they did D1 :joy_cat: )

I don’t think Eli’s reaction is alignment indicative

or at least I wouldn’t read anything into it

I think they targeted min with some sort of investigative ability tbh.

Why is Intensify not vigged yet

He be town

I feel like EVO would have been a better vig since he was counterwagon

Not even close

He be scum

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oh my Jesus the wallposts to end all wallposts :joy_cat:

There have been way bigger wallposts. This one isn’t that exceptional.

big brain theory: wind’s wallpost is a reaction test. Whoever reads and responds to it is prob >rand town

There is an open bet for Intensify’s alignment. You could take the opposite side of Marl

:joy_cat: :joy_cat:

There’s already an open bet on him being scum from me :^)

Speaking of bets: Congratulations to Cream for correctly predicting NK1’s death!

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@Zone_Q11 can you at least tell me if windward is town so I can get the bitterness out of my system now if they aren’t

Because if they are scum I’m gonna be salty for like half a week and I wanna get that out of my system before they get into deadchat


I want windward to be scum now :joy_cat: