NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

Time to tinfoil windward

Itā€™s humiliating if she is scum
If sheā€™s town I can root for her wholeheartedly

Iā€™m rooting for her regardless of if sheā€™s town or scum.

Iā€™m rooting for her only if sheā€™s a neut.

I know in my soul windward is scum from that Wallpost but I donā€™t want to believe it

:eyes: ?

Should I read it?

I just finish reading windā€™s wallpost only to scroll down to the next post and realize that thereā€™s a part 2 ā€¦ :joy_cat:



Itā€™s mostly just her rambling

I hate ISO walls. Iā€™m not reading ISO walls.

Being on mobile doesnā€™t make it any harder to vote someoneā€¦

IDK what minā€™s reputation is, but if they have a reputation for being a strong town player, it could also be that.


night kill moment

welcome! and hi

:broken_heart: :sob: can we not

Zone donā€™t put that vote in. Itā€™s abysmal

Unfortunately, I have to.

Embarrassingly enough Iā€™m not a newb much anymore but I uh, still use gutreads alot wowee

Also the meme you made is :joy_cat:

Also maybe mafia saw me softing vig and shot me btw