NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

EVO is a Scorned-equivalent for some variant of Scorned

if chloe were here sheā€™d say this, so iā€™ll do it for her

##vote lol


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Iā€™m taking this completely at face value


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Sad but probably true considering that Aelin was ready to CFD to lol

EVO bled ā€˜I am scum, kill meā€™
and is still bleeding it
I havenā€™t even read a single post of D2 and know heā€™s still bleeding it

Kyo why is your profile picture a grandma

I honestly like the pfp

Itā€™s better than Tess

Wtf excuse yourself
Rei Kawakubo is only the most iconic designer to ever live???

Whatā€™d she design then?

and unisex perfumes but thatā€™s not really ā€˜designā€™

Sheā€™s a monster hunter cosplayer, I see

These are atrocious


Theyā€™re anti-fashion
and masterpieces

I will never understand art

She IS art
Sheā€™s iconic
She designs stuff that I could see Gaga wearing

It looks like she tried to wrap herself as a Christmas present and got lost in the wrapping paper

Didnā€™t gaga wear like a hotdog suit

I own one of her perfume-

Why does this remind me of the time my music teacher uploaded videos of herself to an adult video site and was wrapped in christmas wrapping

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