NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat


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I sent you the link to the article on discord @Marluxion

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Based and also cringe

Only in Scotland:tm:

Oh god, I feel so bad for you, Light, but that was hilarious.

Aelin, please.

Oh, okay.

I’ll say Aelin from now on.

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Send Disco to the shadow realm

Discobot is non-Aelin!sided and therefore it should not be used

Oh yeah? Let’s see about that!

@discobot roll 1d11

:game_die: 7

Tadaa~ It was not [3] again, therefore it is not non-Aelin!sided.

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There was nothing at stake this time, though.

@discobot roll 1d11

:game_die: 3

oh wow that totally legitimate dice roll landed on 3

Well, if it was another [3] then it would be confirmed that discobot is non-Aelin!sided.


Nice try joyze