NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

/Vote kaze

“Wait shit I meant katze oh no sorry for accidentally voting the wrong person in LyLo”


unfortunately we were both dead by N2 in that game

people call them katze (by people i mostly mean marshal) in other mashes tho its kinda funny he always corrects them :joy_cat:


lol that’s pretty funny

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What parts do you think could/should be improved?

Tbh when I write out all possible teams/pairings and I try to just remove one person because surely they are town, they seem to always end up being scum, whenever I do that.


“Removing myself because surely I am Town”

“Frick I was scum”


Help my humor is getting stale



poor guy


For dayvigging me he is now forever katze

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Wow, final stretch for everyone

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Katze change my name to kat for :joy_cat: cred


Please don’t

Well, yes but no.
If D6 scum!exe, then D7 another LYLO.

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hello, nice to meet you! o/


for some reason I was trying to reply to Jane’s post and this entire thread just vanished lol
thanks, discourse

anyway I was saying I feel like I kind of messed up on the Tilga case because it… wasn’t such a well-written case and for whatever reason I threw Gorta in at the end of it for no apparent reason

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Two days of LYLO sounds awful


LOL my multiquote failed

Edit: nvm got it

I think town has a pretty good chance of getting scum today

@Zone_Q11 I’ll bet that it’s EVO/Eli

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@Zone_Q11 I’ll also bet that first vote is placed in the 42-48 hour mark.

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well I guess I should delete my wallpost as to why Wind is scum

life pro tip

if someone says this

make them post the wallpost :upside_down_face:

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Reading this case, it’s very obvious that you have little confidence in it. Half of it is just “I first thought this was villagery, but it could also come from a wolf”. I know you said you were very paranoid, but that’s not going to convince anyone.

Also you don’t need to quote things if you don’t think they mean anything. It just makes the case longer than it needs to be.

I clearly remember the first part of this post. When I first saw it, I was debating whether to take it at face value or whether it was going to be used as a support for Tilgarial to be considered town.
Looking back at it now, I can say that I did think of this multiple times during the game because every time there was suspicion on Tilga, it felt like it was overridden by someone saying Tilga was very towny, and then they didn’t get questioned much.
But why, then, if Tilga is so towny, are they not dead at this point in the game? The rest of you are probably wondering why I’m not dead, and I don’t have a good explanation for that, either tbh, but I’m perfectly aware that my reasoning on Tilga can also be used against me, and that’s a risk I’m willing to take here.

This is a bit wordy, but fine.

Here’s the first interaction I see between Tilga and Aelin, and it revolves around the PKR/Eevee thing on D1. Nothing really notable here.

Just cut this.

at first glance this seemed like a towny post because it didn’t really reach a conclusion, but looking back on it, it doesn’t necessarily come from town. Taking it as NAI.

I don’t get why not reaching conclusions is towny to you, but that’s not important here. An explanation why scum could also make that post would be good here.

They later followed it up with this explanation of their takes, which looked pretty good to me since I also read the interaction as T/T.

This is fine.

Aelin made a joke post and Tilga responded, taking it too seriously by the looks of it.

This does nothing. “X did X and then Y did Y”. There’s no analysis of why this happened and what you think it means for Tilgarial’s alignment. It doesn’t seem to contribute to your read either, so just cut it out.

This was where the weird interaction between Aelin and Tilga happened over Tilga misreading the post where Aelin asked lol how he was doing. It seems way too awkward to be planned, but if unintentional, could still be scum theater.

ftr I still think this was a genuine misunderstanding between Aelin and Tilgarial, but the question is whether Aelin was using this as an opportunity to distance from Tilgarial by making it look like an opportunistic vote on a villager.

The second part of this also does nothing. You need to actually reach conclusions. Do you or do you not think it was distancing? You aren’t going to convince people if you have no confidence in your read.
The rest is fine.

when Tilga gave this readlist, it matched up with their PKR/Eevee read from earlier in the day, but Marl pointed something out about it.

The fact that PKR and Eevee both made it onto Tilg’s “do not yeet” list stands out

NO townreads at all even after 1700 posts, for any reason except the two people having a semantics argument?

Normally I’d want to say that town can be flipfloppy like this, but it’s not that hard for scum to imitate indecisiveness, especially not when the wagons contain no wolves. But I’m taking a hard look again at that “would be fine with wagoning/would not wagon” list. It’s still a hard if but I’m thinking Marl’s analysis here had merit.

This is fine.

It’s not so much the speculation of whether or not there’s a neutral in the game that raised red flags on Tilgarial for me; it’s specifically how this is explained. I’ve gone into plenty of games assuming there was a neutral when there was absolutely nothing that would lead me to think either way, and in some cases there was, but in some cases there wasn’t.

This is fine.

But more importantly is why Tilgarial had such a weak read on Marl being somewhat “off” and then said he might be a neutral, then flipflopped on him and decided to go with voting EVO instead. The paranoia explanation about my read on Marl was fine imo, but then there’s the part in this post where Tilga says that they used the search function and noticed there was talk about neutrals sometime before, and maybe that’s where they picked up the idea of a neutral. The weird part about that is… in response to min’s question of favorite alignment, Tilgarial also said their favorite alignment is neutral - so they were, in fact, still one of the first to mention it.

I might be missing context here, but the last part doesn’t seem AI, cut it.

Tilga’s read on Gorta on D2 is weird. It’s hedgy, as EVO says, and doesn’t really seem to go either way. And yet Tilga lists Gorta as a (temporary) scumread, and repeats again that it could go either way.
This is one of the things that actually makes me wonder if Tilga/Gorta is a team.

I gotta get going on other things rn so I’m gonna cut this ISO short, but I got through 200 of Tilga’s posts (i.e. almost half) and left off around the point where Tilga was giving their interpretation of the PKR/lol interaction and the “scumslip” PKR thought he caught lol for, which has now obviously been proven false, but reasserts that PKR is probably just town if he came up with that.

These are both fine.

That’s it for sleepy Jane thoughts.

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