NUF FM 2 - Spec Chat

geyde evo cased dead town 5star windward

what who cased me lol

oh nvm I see now

betting one of those ā€œI scumcased Windward overnight, oopsā€ is fake and it ainā€™t Intensify

if they all just coalesce on scumreading Eli itā€™ll be pretty sad, but itā€™s not like i moved to townclear him the day before and I didnā€™t leave a legacy anyway, so my last read was probably that Tilga and one of Eli/Gorta was scum, except that I voted EVO with Eli briefly.

i forgot to join this like
a while ago

lol hi arctic

who are the bad guys
tilgarial and intensify?
iā€™ve hardly been reading anything

EVO and [unknown and hotly debated]


I think Intensify was kept alive to push PKR and then look bad for it
Gorta is alive because heā€™s Gorta
For Eli and EVO, whichever one is town theyā€™re an ML waiting to happen, and I donā€™t think both are town because it doesnā€™t make sense
Thereā€™s literally no reason for Tilga to be kept alive at this point as town, but I guess people said the same about me so lolā€¦ although, why wolves didnā€™t kill Tilga instead of me should be a dead giveaway
Thread presence at EoD indicates that the only remaining living players who were consistently active roughly at EoD are Intensify, Tilga, and EVO, so at least one of them is scum
I have no idea why I was kept alive for so long, but now Iā€™m dead, so yay? xD
dead town thoughts go brrr

ā€¦and I finished doing thesis work for the night, so I should go to sleep so Iā€™m not a zombie for the morning meeting.

I donā€™t get why people were going ā€œwhy is Wind still aliveā€ and yet no one asked the same of Tilgarial until I brought it up lol

Ima leave this here



A full 18 posts overnight!


thread influence

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I meant being way too active in thread. With your 1k post, thereā€™s no way people didnā€™t notice you as oppose to someone like Gorta.

I lost the bet


I lost mine too.
Iā€™m pleasantly surprised that town havenā€™t voted

itā€™s only about time someone realize that nothing gets done and votes


They arenā€™t actually using their time either
