Official In-Game Rules - Read First

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The List of In-Game Rules (Refer to In-Game edition whenever possible)

This is an extension of our Global Rules, which is an extension of our Official Terms of Service. Rules in-game also apply to the extended community <> and the other way around. Disciplinary action in 1 area may also be mirrored in others.

Also note Steam’s Subscriber Agreement as well as Steam’s Code of Conduct that also stacks with our own.

These rules are just a mirror of the in-game rules section. If this post differs from the ingame section in any way, the ingame section takes preference and will be considered the “correct” version, no matter the difference.

  1. Swearing is fine, but don’t overdo it & don’t target people.

  2. No bullying/harassment/hate/racism. Including against staff.

  3. No spamming, including overdone CAPS LOCK and off-topic.

  4. Concurrent multi-accounting is prohibited.

  5. No posting links, other than links to your own youtube/twitch channels which can be posted in logs and post-game chat.

  6. Do not imitate or impersonate Imperium42 staff or volunteers.

  7. No spoilers to recent (<2 weeks) movies, events, games, etc.

  8. All rules apply both in-game and within official communities.

  9. No gamethrowing, like intentionally going against your goal.

  10. No drawing nudity or “>PG-13” obscenities in Deathnotes

  11. No cheating (or pretending to cheat), such as exchanging private info by “metagaming” with 3rd-parties like voice chat.
    (Voice chat is fine as long as you’re only sharing public info)

  12. Don’t leave games early (including Neutrals) [u]while alive.

  13. Do not go AFK for extended periods of time while in a match.

  14. No stream sniping/watching “same match” streams in-game.

  15. Don’t ask/hint to be converted for any reason, even if bait/joking.

  16. Do not bus/start a vote against your fellow Unseen/Cult allies without first discussing it with them.

  17. You can roleplay with a name, but you still have to communicate with other players (on-topic).

  18. You may only speak English in public games in a USA region.

  • For emergencies, seek out a @moderator in Discord.


Ask on Discord

Seeking privacy policy?

Check privacy policy here. Then Steam has additional privacy agreements.

Terms of Service

May be good to know what you accepted in our Terms of Service.

Don’t forget Steam’s Subscriber Agreement + Steam’s Code of Conduct.

[Warned? Banned? “I didn’t do it?” Look Here]

[Details on Rule 1, “discussing bussing”]

Okay to do:

First case:

– Night 4 –
Cult Leader (7): “Hey Invoker I need to bus you tomorrow to gain trust as Paladin claim.”
Invoker (12): “Alright”
– Day 5 –
Cult Leader (7): “Guys, 12 is Cult I checked them last night.”
Invoker (12): “I’m the Drunk, he’s lying!”
(the court proceeds to execute the Invoker, gaining the Cult Leader trust)

Second case:

– Night 4 –
Cult Leader (7): “Hey Invoker I need to bus you tomorrow to gain trust as Paladin claim.”
(the Invoker is afk and does not respond)
– Day 5 –
Cult Leader (7): “Guys, 12 is Cult I checked them last night.”
(the court proceeds to execute the Invoker, gaining the Cult Leader trust)

Third case

– Night 4 –
Cult Leader (7): “Hey Invoker I need to bus you tomorrow to gain trust as Paladin claim.”
Invoker (12): “Wtf no, if you do i’m gamethrowing”
– Day 5 –
Cult Leader (7): “Guys, 12 is Cult I checked them last night.”
Invoker (12): “Screw you, 7 is the CL, get them next”
(Both the Invoker and CL are executed by the court)

The third case will result in the Invoker getting punished for gamethrowing (if reported).
The CL’s play is fair and conform with the rules.

Not okay to do:

– Night 4 –
Cult Leader (7): “Who do we try to convert this night? How about 8?”
Invoker (12): “I think 8 is a good choice, let’s try that.”
– Day 5 –
Cult Leader (7): “Guys, 12 is Cult I checked them last night!”
Invoker (12): “Wtf what are you doing?!”


To clarify gamethrowing, it’s TL;DR “going against your objective”. An example of this is making a decision that would 99%+ chance hinder your allies (such as staying silent on the stand as BD when on trial, using King vote abilities on 100% confirmed Prince’s, etc).

Almost every suspension for gamethrowing will be AFTER a warning to clarify (since gamethrowing can be quite broad). After a warning, there’s no excuse~

Is it racism?

  • Been warned/suspended before for this offense?
  • More than one person was offended by your comment?

It’s probably going to be classified as racism. Being subtle about it still classifies it the same. If you’re the race you’re making fun of IRL, we don’t know that - so it doesn’t apply, here. If you’re joking/meme’ing, we also don’t know that (and it’s not the right place to do so, anyway).

Racism rule breaking is final word - no appeals.

Hate and toxicity

Some examples (but not limited to) include racism, sexism, anti-LGBT speech, mentions/roleplaying of school shootings/shooters, antisemitism (yes, it’s hate if you call someone a “Jew” where the context is clearly intended to be derogatory)…

Just common sense, mates, if you wouldn’t say it to your teacher it’s probably not allowed.

Is it targeted harassment?

  • “f**k, I died!! Gahhh”

No - he’s yelling “at the sky”. We allow swearing that is non-targeted (and the sky cannot report ;D).

  • f**k YOU!!

Yep - it’s targeted harassment. Why? It’s targeted ! You’re making 1 person trying to feel bad. You’re not being vague, general, or yelling at the sky: You’re yelling at a particular person. This will get you suspended!


While 13 may or may not get in trouble for gamethrowing, you may also get in trouble for targeted harassment! If 13 ends up being inno, it may be just you that gets in trouble. Baiting can often be just as bad as any other form of toxicity, itself. Subtle targeted harassment is still targeted harassment.


There are no exemptions.

But I played xxxx hours! And I’m a streamer! And I referred 100 friends!

Veterans, advocates and streamers are not exempt from the rules and are not given any special treatment. You’ll find many clips on Google showing streamers receiving disciplinary action just like anyone else. If anything, veterans and streamers should know better :stuck_out_tongue:


Appeals are only handled in Discord ( - and privately:

  1. If you are community-banned from Discord, you have lost your right to appeal.
  2. DM any Judge+ online and wait a few mins in between each DM before moving to the next. Spamming every Judge+ will likely result in being ignored, as these are volunteer community members and not staff.
  3. Please be respectful - we have no obligation to unban as suspensions are already thoroughly reviewed before a suspension is issued.
  4. Do not attempt to appeal more than once per suspension: If 1 Judge+ declines the appeal, please respect it without an attempt to appeal to someone else (we’ll know).
  5. Do not attempt to appeal someone else’s case for them; if they are banned, see #1 ^
  6. Attempting to appeal publicly or to cause a scene will result in an auto-decline.

Final Notes

“Technically”, “I was joking”, appeals for someone else, or “It’s not mentioned in the Code of Conduct” appeals will not be accepted, outlined in the terms of service:

Just because an explicit example wasn’t listed in x or y doesn’t mean it’s not in the terms of service - this guide, for example, is just a short guideline of how the ToS can be interpreted.


#Added Rule 8

Only speak English in public games. If you’re playing a private game with 16 people who all speak a non-english language then it is your decision, but you must speak English in public games until further notice.

#Modified General Rule 3

No posting links, especially to streams in-game.

Thread was locked in order to be easier for people to check the edits in the rules.

#Modified Gameplay Rule 3

Don’t leave the game early. It is okay to leave while dead, as long as there is not a Physician that wants to reanimate you.

November 29th Edit:

“Bussing” has been clarified as Rule 1b, as it was a controversial topic among many players.

“Bussing” an AFK player has been clarified.

5th July 2018:

Thread has been revamped to reflect the ingame ruleset plus some notices have been added.
A third case for bussing has been added.

Ingame rules always beat the forum post when differences emerge.

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12 - Added “including neutrals” to leaving rules.

For clarification regarding gamethrowing (#9) in the example situation that an Alchemist chooses to side with BD or no one at all, as long as they are still trying to win, that’s not going against their objective – that’s just a perk of being neutral.


1st August 2018

11 - Added clarification regarding claiming to be cheating (when you are not). This is also not allowed, as it usually causes a flood of reports and other things.


Updated to be shorter and less redundant, pending changes in-game. In-game ones take precedence over the ones here. Terms of Service/EULA takes precedence over all.

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Changed #4 to

Concurrent multi-accounting is prohibited.

This will reflect in v2.2c

Edited #5: No posting links, other than links to your own youtube/twitch channels which can be posted in logs and post-game chat.

Added some examples of what is/isn’t targeted harassment

Is it targeted harassment?

  • “f**k, I died!! Gahhh”

No - he’s yelling “at the sky”. We allow swearing that is non-targeted (and the sky cannot report ;D).

  • f**k YOU!!

Yep - it’s targeted harassment. Why? It’s targeted ! You’re making 1 person trying to feel bad. You’re not being vague, general, or yelling at the sky: You’re yelling at a particular person. This will get you suspended!


While 13 may or may not get in trouble for gamethrowing, you may also get in trouble for targeted harassment! If 13 ends up being inno, it may be just you that gets in trouble. Baiting can often be just as bad as any other form of toxicity, itself. Subtle targeted harassment is still targeted harassment.

Updated the Is it racism? example summary:

Being subtle about it still classifies it the same. If you’re the race you’re making fun of IRL, we don’t know that - so it doesn’t apply, here. If you’re joking/meme’ing, we also don’t know that and it’s not the right place to do so, anyway. Racism rule breaking is final word.

Added a section regarding appeals.