One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

bookmarking that message so i can bring it up postgame so you can have egg on your face

literally anyone reading the thread would realize captain started as a tanner

Hi guys I hard claim Drunk and I donā€™t know what happened when I swapped with Marluxion.

K scumslip

Whaddya mean

Keep yo mouth shut


also pug already claimed drunk

I canā€™t be tanner if you are tanner cause i was werewolf

I wasnā€™t tanner

I was hunter

Maybe you were tanter :thinking:


My vote is remaining on Shurian tho
I encourage anyone else to vote him as well
I believe he STARTED as a wolf
and nobody is claiming to have swapped him

Bold of you to assume I read the thread

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Scum detected.Sheep me for free win.
/vote Marl

you canā€™t just
call me a tanner with vigor and determination
when you havenā€™t seen my actual claim or posts ._.

i was trying to bait firekitten into saying something dumb
and when burrito pressured me into actually having to provide information i gave my real claim

I was originally the hunter

I can and I did

Thereā€™s no benefit to lying as village

anywho shuri scumsliped sooooooo