One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

notices your wolf read
OwO whats this?

If you are hunter Marl it shouldnā€™t be problem

also doesnā€™t matter to me if iā€™m hung with my vote on shurian or if shurian is hung
nobody seems to have swapped with me anyway so iā€™ll get to do my hero shot

absolutely correct

also pls no

/vote Shurian

Iā€™m a little worried this is a minion who intentionally ā€œslippedā€ but maybe Iā€™m thinking too hard about it (inb4 regret)

Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s been asked already either but @Icibalus majority, deadline or plurality lynch?

Itā€™s EOD if you look at the Op

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yeah nvm I canā€™t read lol

(This, for anyone else who missed it)

Also /Vote Shurian

I really hope the trouble maker claims soon.

Unless GamerPoke or Pug is troublemaker then Iā€™m assuming we donā€™t have one

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May as well do one of those meme tinfoils

Calling it that centre cards were seer troublemaker werewolf

Gamerpoke is the other werewolf, Shurian is the minion, Captain is the tanner


Why are we voting shurian then.

because thatā€™s just my meme guess

in reality shuri is probably a wolf and thereā€™s another wolf out there with a safe cc


can we vote me instead so i can hero shot shurian


bad marl

if youā€™re wolf iā€™ll cry you know :^)

or well I guess youā€™d be minion if being lynched was good for you but you werenā€™t hunter