One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

I shall stay a coward 3:<

You are still voting confirmed town

Since it doesnā€™t look like anybody is claiming troublemaker, I guess the remaining unclaimed people should claim? (GamerPoke, Pug and Captain iirc)

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Ashe boop burrito and fk conf town

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Shuri and Captain are giving Tanner and minion vibes

/vote Gamerpoke

There is a wolf between gamerpoke and Maximus

@GamerPoke @MaximusPrime we need a hard claim

We arenā€™t confirmed Town a troublemaker needs to claim if they swapped us with anyone.

We are confirmed to have started as a mason

@troublemaker please claim.

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Until a troublemaker claims thatā€™s the same thing for our purposes

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This is why ONUW needs to be turboā€¦

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wut how am i wolf

iā€™ve literally already hard claimed

inb4 this is a tvt like normal and youā€™re also town unless youā€™re not

I already claimed duh.I was werewolf i was swapped with town.I know it for a reason.

And that reason is what tanner?

What do you mean ? There is only one possible tanner

My vote is staying on gamer

So Lynch me or Lynch him, doesnā€™t matter one bit

I claim seer, I peeked at 2 cards in the middle

What were they?