One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

I just told you, the first one was hunter and the second was Minion

You specified the first one you LOOKED at

Card1-Hunter, Card2-Minion

Cause thats the order I saw it in

you could have said that like 10 posts ago

I thought I was specific enough

Nope. In fact. Thatā€™s a scum slip

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thats because, as you arenā€™t the seer, you didnā€™t know the cards were numbered


I was telling you the cards in number order


Sure about that?

This isnā€™t going to help you
You may as well tell us exaclty what you are because nobody believes this seer claim

You know what, I give up trying to prove myself as seer when you guys only wanna make me scum slip, all I need to know is Im seer

My accusation stands
Youā€™re a minion who knows Shurian is about to die and lose you the game.

The vote on Shurian was WIFOM that you removed the instant any kind of pressure was placed on Shuri

Notice you refuse to vote me while my vote is on Shurian
Yet while my vote is on you, youā€™re fine voting me

It all adds up

You guys do whatever you want, just kill a wolf

If iā€™m lying, Vote me.

/vote Marl

Iā€™m very sad trickster wasnā€™t in this roll

Its not if your lying, it is that you ARE lying