One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Isn’t troublemaker meant to be not optional?

/In, almost didn’t get in


Why would this be? Minion doesn’t need to survive for werewolves to win despite being on their team. Also:

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Because his win condition is different if there are no werewolfs. In that case he instead only wins if another villager is killed

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I pity the poor soul who rolls these foul creatures


Minion is a great role you dep

Would that happen if somehow all three werewolves ended up as the centre cards?

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Rare in this setup but possible

@Icibalus might want to add that into the card.

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Oh and the 2 most fun roles in the game that are not currently on the list: Doppelganger and Witch

there are 2 werewolves

Dreamwolf counts

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why is dreamwolf here

Witch? I’m aware of Doppelganger but haven’t heard of Witch.

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i thought this was base game god dammit ici

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\ here’s your arm back :^)




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