One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Trust me village idiot is infinitely more stupid

Trust me. I said that because I actually want doppelganger and not because heā€™s stupid

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That being said


doppelganger is a lady

: p

Exept when they arenā€™t

If weā€™re talking stupid roles I want one that starts the game thinking theyā€™re a different role that can do whatever that role does (and if that role provides feedback, it is randomized what shows)

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iā€™ve seen the card with my eyes tho

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but that doesnā€™t exist

The card makes you actually go insane

it needs to

for reasons

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it canā€™t because ONUW is a physical game

Just use drugs

Problem solved

you just give em a different card

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but then theyā€™re just that role

you canā€™t lie to the players in a game where there is no moderator

1+1=3 ez


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Isnā€™t it supposed to be bastard game when host lies about class ? I donā€™t see it states bastard game

no itā€™s one night you literally cannot lie to the players in actual one night