One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins


A game of Forum Mafia squeezed into a 3 day period.


  1. Be respectful to all players in the game.
  2. By signing up to this game you agree to be fully active. If I see you being inactive I will note it down for future games I host. Since there will only be one phase in this game you MUST be active.
  3. NEVER communicate about the game outisde of the game. If someone does, screenshot it and send it to me. This is cheating and will be seen as such.
  4. Do not angleshoot or attempt to use information gathered outside of the game to gain an advantage in the game. Using someone’s meta is perfectly fine, however.
  5. Have fun!


There are two phases: The Night and The Day.
The Night will last for 24 hours. The Day will last for 48 hours.
During the Night, the thread will be closed and nobody can post. All players may send me their Night Action during this phase. After this phase, roles may be secretly swapped, so you may not even know who YOU are!
During the day, the thread will be open and players must attempt to figure out what happened during the Night. All players may vote during the day at any time. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the day will die.

  • If a Villager dies, the Werewolves will win.
  • If a Werewolf dies, the Villagers will win.
  • If a Minion dies, the Werewolves will win.
  • If a Tanner dies, the Tanner will win. (no, I am not putting a jester-yer-like in a game of mine ever again. Enjoy this while you can.)

Lynching nobody is an option.

  • If nobody dies during the day and there are Werewolves alive, the Werewolves will win.
  • If nobody dies during the day and there are no Werewolves alive, the Villagers will win.


This is a game for 10 players, however 13 roles will be used. Out of these 13 roles, 10 will be given to the players and 3 will be “in the center” as Center Cards 1-3.





Their rolecards are below:



You are a Seer, alligned with the Village.

At night, you may perform one of the following actions:

  • Peek at another player’s card, learning what it was at the start of the game.
  • Peek at two of the three center cards, learning what they were at the start of the game.

You are a Robber, alligned with the Village.

At night, you may swap your role with another player and then look at your new role.

You are a Troublemaker, alligned with the Village.

At night, you may swap the cards of two players other than yourself without looking at them.

You are a Drunk, aligned with the Village.

At night, you must swap your card with a card from the center without looking at any card, meaning you NEVER know your role.

You are a Hunter, aligned with the Village.

Should you have the majority of votes at the end of the day you will shoot the person who you are voting
before you die. This will decide which side wins the game.

You are a Mason, alligned with the Village.

You start the game knowing which other players started the game with the Mason card. This includes any Doppelgangers that become Masons.

You are a Insomniac, aligned with the Village.

You will peek at your own card at the end of the night, learning your true identity.

You are a Doppelganger, alinged with the Village.

During the night, you MUST immediately peek a player’s card. You will immediately become that player’s role and win with that player’s team.

You may perform any night actions appropriate to that role. As such, you must send your first pick in as soon as possible so I can send you the appropriate information.


You are a Werewolf, aligned with the Werewolves.

You will learn which players started with the Werewolf card including the Doppelganger at the end of the Night.
If there are no others with the Werewolf card, you may peek at a card from the center. Please always submit an an action for this just in case.

You are a Minion, aligned with the Werewolves.

You know which players started the game Werewolf-alligned including the Doppelganger at the end of the night.
Note that as you aren’t a Werewolf you do NOT need to survive for the Werewolf team to win.

If there are no Werewolves in the game at any point you will be considered a Werewolf for win condition purposes.


You are a Tanner, alligned with yourself.

You hate your life and want to die. If you die by any means during the day, you will win and everyone else will lose.


  1. @Marluxion
  2. @Shurian
  3. @Kirefitten
  4. @MaximusPrime
  5. @Captain
  6. @Jazz
  7. @Pug
  8. @NuclearBurrito
  9. @GamerPoke
  10. @Ashe (Pre-In)

PS: if anyone wants to suggest changes to the rolelist I’d be glad to. Also, rules are negotiable pre-game but NOT in-game.

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When will this start

Hopefully it will start today at 17:00 BST if this fills quickly, but if it dosen’t I’ll start it at 17:00 BST on the day when it does.

Oh wait /Out

I can’t make it then rip

Wait nvm I thought a phase was short /In again

it will be a long game, not a turbo
24 hour night, 48 hour day.

I got confused cause somewhere it said one phase lol


cause this actually seems fun and i probably won’t get salty

yeah i think i’ll play casually


/join still didn’t read classes

you have to in order to understand the game, or else it’s pretty much throwing

I am inning first reading after.That is pretty much what i do every time.

Ok so if i was villager at start of game and i became werewolf at end of game.Do i win as Villager or werewolf ?

werewolf i think

You win with the role you have at the end of the game.

Wait why was the neutral needed for balance.

The most important part is that you will NOT know if your role was swapped or not.

cause minion

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