Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

No action is just as much of an action as Off is a TV channel, or NotStampCollecting is a hobby.

No action is lack of action

Not a type of it

As a proponent of sloth I would like to argue that inaction is readable

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my brain trembles btw

I thought you didn’t like anime

No but I do like r/onetruebetelgeuse

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Anyway, even if Scummy was

That would still mean that a Fool could still be scummy, as they are scumread, even if properly scumread as fool.

I never disagreed with fool being able to be scummy

If you scumread correctly, you should be able to 100% separate fool from scum, which I do not doubt you do at all. But if Fool is able to be separated, why is their winrate so fucking high?

Their winrate is under 50%

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Fool winrate is normal for neutrals, not especially high.

Although I would like to see stats on this (p sure charts stopped getting posted) that still implies that like 5 out of every 11 fools are not discerned and are instead lynched

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Do fools win? Yes. Is that bad balancing? No.
They just have a normal winrate…

I’m not going to pretend to argue that Fools win too much in current ToL

Anyways goodnight for now I guess?

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That’s not too much

Yeah FoL doesn’t matter for this thread
Good night

Also I was talking about tol here

Fools should never win unless scum gives them the win. Fool wins despite this. How is that possible if everyone is so good at finding fools from scum?

That’s a typo

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