Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

because I like it

Oh wait

Given that certain people (e.g. Priestess) have argued in this very thread that Fool encourages people to be certain of a mechanical lead before executing someone, or to at the very least double-check someone’s evil-ness mechanically, do you believe Fool is effective at achieving this purpose?

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Does you liking something make it good?

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I love having people dismiss my opinions because they happen to overlap with the opinions of people who predominantly play on the forums :upside_down_face:


I like Emilia. It doesnt make her good, she is it already.

It doesnt fix problem completly but it existing pushes people to that direction

I dont dismiss them? I just have different opinions.

In game terms Yes a Good game is the one people like

I’m pretty sure the ‘you’ was doing a lot of work in Jake’s sentence

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Well the question was Why Its valuable for me the reason is because I like it no matter About What mechanic you ask to Why someone finds it valuable it will always come to someone liking something

Said it many times in this thread already but I have no qualms quoting past arguments (lol)

Being able to read Fools as Fools is important :woman_shrugging:

And focusing on that detracts from any and every other form of reading in the entire game.

There is literally no way you can argue that helps overall player skill levels.

Replacing otherwise focused reads with a WIFOM-based version is just detrimental.

If you dont get lynched Cuz you convince others you are a fool when you are not Thats deserved

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That’s a crutch

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Making tol less complex is improving reading skills… how?