Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

Here’s an idea: We host 4 turbos here, at least one with a ToL fool and at least one with an FoL fool, and two with no fool. All other factors are that of ToL

Or we just go back to discuss fol… since most of us have no idea of tol anyways

Thats What almost everything comes down to

Too small amount of games to determine anything plus people will be already biased towards certain version of fool or lack of it

Priestess, why would lynching the scummiest person not work in a generic mafia game?

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How about nah because that doesn’t prove anything really with such a limited number of games

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You’d get a much better number of test cases just running through the PTR tbh

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I’m sorry I have a fucking life and can’t pour thousands of hours into one single video game

Can we please stop pretending that invalidates my opinion

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everytime you dismiss others arguements because of how they are on the forums and dont do tol imma post this shit
you arent any better than the rest of us so sit down

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/vote Priestess you’re right, lets vote the scummiest person

No, I want a legitimate reason for why voting the scummiest person should be bad

Cause I like to execute scum, not scummy people


And if we execute scummy people non-scum will strive to be less scummy


Depends on if you mean that scum is someone Who is scumread by majority of player or there is objective meaning To scummy


By scummy, I mean to act in a way that is Anti-Town

So you want people to scumread less and be lazier

Yes that is exactly what I said and in no way pettily misconstruing my point

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Town are more often anti town than scum from My experience

I don’t see how that conclusion follows logically from a good-faith reading of Orange’s post