Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

if thats the case all classes are good because they contribute to their wincon

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It’s difficult to pull off to side with BD with nothing but votes and 1 use day ability.

That doesn’t mean it’s wonderfully designed, that means it’s cohesive.

That doesn’t mean the reasoning for those choices is good.

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in all fairness i get what priestess is trying to say there, it’s cohesive and its abilities are focused unlike other neutrals, and there was that time where Fool’s Hide was visit prevention and it signalled their location to everybody 7 times out of 10, but nobody’s arguing that the Fool itself is bad. We’re arguing that Fool’s effect on the gamestate is what’s negative about it.


Yep p much

Good word choice btw

To do that, fool need to be lynched to actually interfere with mech info

may i remind the court that we haven’t seen the ToL meta without Fool or with a differently structured Fool punishment


pretty sure the only substantially different Fool meta was when it hurt wolves more than villagers
and oh my god that sucked


I’ve seen p close on EM/SE

Also if you count turbos

As I mentioned, some abilities requires said fool to be lynched to interfere with mech info which is anti-BD.

I believe most people misunderstood where exactly the anti-bd comes from at first.

The Crone I can describe from previous SFoL has elements of Fool and Scorned combined.

we aren’t certain that a population hyperpowered rolemadness turbo social deduction game would suck if Fool didn’t exist because we haven’t seen that timeline. we can’t tell if the reason why people can’t lynch based on reads is because of people being unable to read in turbo or because Fool is making it near-impossible to read people effectively without descending into an unfun pit of empty WIFOM.

by the way emilia your argument about WIFOM being good dosen’t apply because WIFOM is only solvable with fairly slow deliberation over factors, something that is justifiably very very difficult and annoying and not fun

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Also it’s turbo

nice tl;dr there

Now why is having post dead abilities on fool is good idea for?

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I mean I find Its fun

personally I find unravelling WIFOM without gagues on threadstate and psychological clues fruustrating and boring as fuck but you do you


So hey, since when have Fool have magically powers from the graveyard?

“I find it fun, therefore it’s good”